BWO Hostel
PO Box 298
Effiduasi, Ashanti

GPS coordinates: N 06° 55.988′ W 001° 23.469′
Phone/WhatsApp: +233547478353


How to get here


Of course it is exciting to travel by public transport in another country! Very honest, I don’t understand the transit systems in my birth country, the Netherlands, at all 😉
But the great thing about Ghana is that the people are super helpful. They will even walk you to the right car or bus if necessary. Traveling is part of your journey! Enjoy the chat with the other passengers and the beautiful views!


From Kumasi by local transport:

On Fuller Road, near the footbridge over the railway line, you will find the tro tros to Effiduase. Take the tro tro and get off at the final destination, Effiduase station. There you will find shared taxis to Banko, there are signs on the taxis. Take the taxi to Banko. Ask the driver to stop in front of the guesthouse, as BWO Hostel is located just outside the village.The trip will cost you approximately Ghc 30.00.

You can also take an Uber from Kumasi, BWO Hostel is a well-known location in the Uber app. Expect to pay a bit more than what the app says. A fair price is between Ghc 250- Ghc 300.

From Accra by local transport:

Take a bus/tro tro from Circle in Accra towards Kumasi. Ask the driver/mate if you can get off at the Shell station in Ejisu. Behind the gas station you can find a tro tro to Effiduase (near the bread sellers).

From Ejisu you can take a direct taxi to BWO Hostel, which costs approximately Ghs150 or take the tro tro and alight at the final destination, Effiduase station. There you will find shared taxis to Banko, there are signs on the taxis. Take the taxi to Banko. Ask the driver to stop in front of the guesthouse, as BWO Hostel is located just outside the village.

 We can arrange a pick-up from Ejisu, Mampong or Kumasi! 

From Accra with your own car:

Follow the road to Kumasi until Ejisu. Just before Ejisu, about 35 km before Kumasi, at the Anita hotel, take the road on the right, towards Effiduase. Continue reading below.

From Kumasi with your own car: 

Follow the road to Accra until Ejisu. In Ejisu, take the road on the left at the roundabout, just after the tro tro station and before the Shell station, towards Effiduase. 

Continue until Effiduasi. In Effiduasi, turn left at the tro tro station. Follow the road to Oyoko village. Take the 1st road left towards Akrofoso/Banko.

The first village you come across is Bomeng and the next village is Akrofoso. After a few minutes’ drive you will see Bankoman Senior Highschool on the right, 100 meters further on the left you will find BWO Hostel. 

BWO Hostel Is On The Route From Accra / Volta Region To The North!! 
By Passing Ejisu-Effiduase-Ejura, You Can Avoid The Business Of Kumasi!


BWO students, volunteers and teachers in Banko, Ghana, West Africa
BWO hostel guests are admiring the view from one of the mountains in Ghana
The environment around our town Banko in Ashanti Ghana